Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Tying Digital Communications to Medicine

Welcome to the first blog post for Digitalk, a blog designed for discussing topics within digital communications. I am a student at Furman University that is double majoring in biology and communications. I feel like I need to post something about who I am or what I like, but I really can’t think of anything remotely relevant. Therefore, I will share that my favorite food is fried okra and that I truly believe that my Patronus animal would be an otter (and if you didn’t catch that reference, I highly recommend reading Harry Potter). Also, I believe that the Doobie Brothers are good highway driving music.
I had a dream the other night where an unknown someone asked my roommate and me what we wanted to be when we grew up. The million-dollar question for college students. I, of course, immediately answered, “She wants to be a surgeon,” while gesticulating at my roommate (because it is all too normal for me to answer questions about her life). Then, as the stranger continued to stare at me, I panicked and said I wanted to be a teacher. The dream continued on to me standing alone in a classroom full of children running circles around me. I woke up stressed about how in the world I was going to control these kids for all 180 days that make up a school year. Therefore, being a teacher can be ruled out of my life mission statement though I now have greater respect for my teachers after that dream. Right now, I am aiming to be a doctor, or more accurately, to get into medical school. And that’s as far as my life plan goes.
Thus, my mission statement would have be: I aspire to be a doctor that always helps others to the best of my abilities, and that by taking this class, I will better be able to access these people in need and to present myself and my practice in a desirable way. I want to be a doctor that is well rounded, knowledgeable in fields outside of medicine, and up-to-date with the ever-advancing technology. I believe that this class to will help me to meet these goals.
In terms of other projects that will be done throughout the semester, I have a few ideas for topics. I would love to explore something in the science area since that is what I am interested in. I think that exploring research at Furman would be interesting by possibly looking what opportunities there are, how it has benefitted students, why Furman is such a big proponent, etc. If it needs to be more focused I could pick a specific project that students are currently working on, maybe mine from this summer that examines the molecular mechanisms of T-cell activation. I also love music and think it would be interesting to look into how many students at Furman have played musical instruments and whether or not they think this has had benefits for them. I am also involved in Furman University’s Medical Missions Organization, and I think I could push for how and why third world countries need medical care and more specifically how we at Furman are able to answer those needs. Those are rough outlines of what I think I could pursue for future projects after being focused and finding a main argument to present.

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